Thank you for all the replays!
(and in the meantime I was just having a dinner! :-)

To recap:

you are right, in fact I'm thinking to have just 3/4 for now, without anything 
else (no cd/dvd, no videocard, nothing else than mb and drives)
the case will be the second choice, but I'll try to stick to micro ATX for 
space reason

Charles Menser:
4 is ok, so is the "ASUS M2A-VM" good?

Matt Harrison:
The post is superb (very compliment to Simon)! And in fact I was already on 
that, but the MB is unfortunatly ATX. If it will be the only or the suggested 
choice I would go for it, but I hope there will be a littler one

so the best is 780G?
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