many on HD setup:

Thanks for the replies, but actual doubt is on MB.
I would go with the suggestion of different HD (even if I think that the speed 
will be aligned to the slowest of them), and may be raidz2 (even if I think 
raidz is enough for a home server)


It seems than 780G/SB700 and Nvidia 8200 are good choice.

Since the tom's hw website comparison 
(,1972.html) I would 
choose AMD chipset, but there is very little difference on power (speed and 
consumption). So better to evaluate the compatibility feature!

And interesting of booting from CF, but it seems is possible to boot from the 
zraid and I would go for it!

PS: "The good is the enemy of the best.", so what is the best? ;-)

Miles Nordin:

Interesting the VIA stuff, but for sure I need something proven!...

About the compatibility it seems it will just improve with time, but since the 
only hw I've spare now is 386sx with 20MB HD, I have to buy something new!

About the bugs... this I would like to avoid with the counselling!

About freedom: I for sure would prefere open source drivers availability, let's 
account for it!

For the rest I'm a bit lost again... Let's say that for many reasons I would 
like to choose a botherboard with everything needed onboard... So I'm trying to 
understand how to use all the interesting advice in the post... There is a way 
(mb) that can balance stability (some selected old option) and performance (new 
options) for the expected computer life (next 3 years)?

About the reuse with Linux: for now I'm really interested in fileserver with 
ZFS, so I would focus and stick on the Solaris compatibility (for different 
reasons I wouldn't choose Mac and FreeBSD implementations).

And, if better I'm open also to intel!
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