Alan Burlison wrote:


ZFS doesn't swap to a slice in build 92. In this build, a ZFS root
environment requires separate ZFS volumes for swap and dump devices.

The ZFS boot/install project and information trail starts here:

Is this going to be supported in a later build?

I got it to use the existing swap slice by manually reconfiguring the ZFS-root BE post-install to use the swap slice as swap & dump - the resulting BE seems to work just fine, so I'm not sure why LU insists on creating ZFS swap & dump.

Basically I want to migrate my root filesystem from UFS to ZFS and leave everything else as it it, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this.

It's hard to know what the "right" thing to do is from within
the installation software.  Does the user want to preserve
as much of their current environment as possible?  Or does
the user want to move toward the new "standard" configuration
(which is pretty much zfs-everything)?  Or something in between?

In designing the changes to the install software, we had to
decide whether to be all things to all people or make some
default choices.  Being all things to all people makes the
interface a lot more complicated and takes a lot more
engineering effort (we'd still be developing it and zfs boot
would not be available if we'd taken that path).  We
erred on the "make default choices" side (although with
some opportunities for customization), and leaned toward
the "move the system toward zfs" side in our choices for
those defaults.  We leaned a little too far in that direction in
our selection of default choices for swap/dump space in
the interactive install and so we're fixing that.

In this case, LU does move the system toward using
swap and dump zvols within the root pool.  If you really
don't want that, you can still use your existing swap and
dump slice and delete the swap/dump zvol.   I know it's
not ideal because it requires some manual steps, and maybe
you'll have to repeat those manual actions with subsequent
lucreates (or maybe not, I'm actually not sure how that works).
But is there any really good reason NOT to move to the
use of swap/dump zvols?  If your existing swap/dump slice
is contiguous with your root pool, you can grow the root
pool into that space (using format to merge the slices.
A reboot or re-import of the pool will cause it to grow into
the newly-available space).

Keep these comments coming!  We've tried to make the
best choices, balancing all the many considerations, but
as in the case or swap, I'm sure we made some choices
that were wrong or at least non-optimal and we want to
continue to refine how zfs works as a root file system.

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