On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Ross Smith wrote:
> I'm not saying that ZFS should be monitoring disks and drivers to 
> ensure they are working, just that if ZFS attempts to write data and 
> doesn't get the response it's expecting, an error should be logged 
> against the device regardless of what the driver says.  If ZFS is

A few things to consider:

  * Maybe the device driver has not yet reported (or fails to report)
    and error and just seems "slow".

  * ZFS is at such a high level that in many cases it has no useful
    knowledge of actual devices.  For example, MPXIO (multipath) may be
    layered on top, or maybe an ethernet network is involved.

If ZFS experiences a temporary problem with reaching a device, does 
that mean the device has failed, or does it perhaps indicate that a 
path is temporarily slow?

If one device is a local disk and the other device is accessed via 
iSCSI and is located on the other end of the country, should ZFS 
refuse to operate if the remote disk is slow or stops responding for 
several minutes?  This would be a typical situation when using 
mirroring, and one mirror device is remote.

The parameters that a device driver for a local device uses to decide 
if there is a fault will be (and should be) substantially different 
than the parameters for a remote device.  That is why most 
responsibility is left to the device driver.  ZFS will behave 
according to how the device driver behaves.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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