>Suppose that ZFS detects an error in the first
> case.  It can't tell<br>
> the storage array "something's wrong, please
> fix it" (since the<br>
> storage array doesn't provide for this with
> checksums and intelligent<br>
> recovery), so all it can do is tell the user
> "this file is corrupt,<br>
> recover it from backups".<br>
Just to remind you. System was working fine with no sign of any failures. 
Data got corrupted at export operation. If storage was somehow misbehaving I 
would expect ZFS to complain about it on any operation which did not finish 
succesfully.  I had NONE issues on the system with quite extensive read/write 
activity. System panicked on export and messed everything such that pools could 
not be imported. At what moment ZFS whould do better if I had even raid1 
configuration? I assume that this mess would be written on both disks and how 
this would help me in recovering. I do understand that having more disks would 
be better in case of failure of one or several of them. But only if it's 
related to disks. I'm almost sure disks were fine during failure. Is there 
anything you can improve apart from ZFS to cope with such issues?
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