On Thu, 21 Aug 2008, John wrote:

> I'm setting up a ZFS fileserver using a bunch of spare drives. I'd 
> like some redundancy and to maximize disk usage, so my plan was to 
> use raid-z. The problem is that the drives are considerably 
> mismatched and I haven't found documentation (though I don't see why 
> it shouldn't be possible) to stripe smaller drives together to match 
> bigger ones. The drives are: 1x750, 2x500, 2x400, 2x320, 2x250. Is 
> it possible to accomplish the following with those drives:

The ZFS vdev will only use up to the size of the smallest device in 
it.  If your smallest device is 250GB and another device in the same 
vdev is 350GB, then 100GB of that device will be ignored. While I 
would not really recommend it, a way out of the predicament is to use 
partitioning (via 'format') to partition a large drive into several 
smaller partitions which are similar in size to your smaller drives. 
The reason why this is not recommended is that a single drive failure 
could then take out several logical devices and the vdev and pool 
could be toast.  With care, it could work ok with simple mirrors, but 
mirrors waste 1/2 the physical disk space.

The better solution is to try to build your vdevs out of similar-sized 
disk drives from the start.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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