[clarification below...]

Richard Elling wrote:
> Heikki Suonsivu on list forwarder wrote:
>> Kyle McDonald wrote:
>>> Chris Cosby wrote:
>>>> About the best I can see:
>>>> zpool create dirtypool raidz 250a 250b 320a raidz 320b 400a 400b raidz 
>>>> 500a 500b 750a
>>>> And you have to do them in that order. The zpool will create using the 
>>>> smallest device. This gets you about 2140GB (500 + 640 + 1000) of 
>>>> space. Your desired method is only 2880GB (720 * 4) and is WAY harder 
>>>> to setup and maintain, especially if you get into the SDS configuration.
>>>> I, for one, welcome our convoluted configuration overlords. I'd also 
>>>> like to see what the zpool looks like if it works. This is, obviously, 
>>>> untested.
>>> I don't think I'd be that comfortable doing it, but I suppose you could 
>>> just add each drive as a separate vDev, and set copies=2, but even that 
>>> would get you about 1825GB (If my math is right the disks add up to 3650GB)
>>>   -Kyle
>> There seems to be confusion about whether this works or not.
> Of course it works as designed...
>> - Marketing speak says metadata is redundant, and in case of at least 
>> two disks, it is distributed on at least two disks.
> I'm not sure what "marketing speak" you're referring to, there are
> very few marketing materials for ZFS.  Do you have a pointer?
>> - In case of filesystems where copies=2 this should also happen to file data
> Yes, by definition copies=2 makes the data double redundant and
> the metadata triple redundant.
>> - Which should mean that above configuration should be redundant and 
>> tolerate loss of one disk.
> It depends on the failure mode.  If the disk suffers catastrophic
> death, then you are in a situation where the entire set of top-level
> vdevs is not available.  Depending on the exact configuration,
> loss of a top-level vdev will cause the pool to not be importable.

clarification: the assumption I made here was that the top-level vdev
is not protected.  If the top-level vdev is protected (mirrored, raidz[12])
then loss of a disk will still result in the pool being importable.  The
key concept here is that the copies features works above and in addition
to any vdev redundancy.
 -- richard

> For the more common failure modes, it should recover nicely.
> I believe that the most common use cases for copies=2 is for
> truly important data or the single-vdev case.
>> - People having trouble on the list say that it does not work, if for 
>> any reason, after disk failure, the system shuts down, crashes, etc, 
>> because you cannot mount the pools - they are in unavailable state, even 
>> though according to marketing speak it should be possible to mount and 
>> go on, and recover all files with copies=2+, and for other files get 
>> information on which files are bad.
> It depends on the failure mode.  Most of the ZFS versions out there
> do have the ability to identify files which have been corrupted with
> the "zfs status -xv" options.
>> - So, the QUESTION is:  Is the marketing speak totally bogus, or is 
>> there missing code/bug/etc which prevents getting pool with a lost disk 
>> on-line (looping back to first question).
> Real life dictates that there is no one, single, true answer -- just a 
> series
> of trade-offs. If you ask me, I say make your data redundant by at least
> one method.  More redundancy is better.
> more below...
>> Heikki
>>>> chris
>>>> On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Nils Goroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>     Hi,
>>>>     John wrote:
>>>>     > I'm setting up a ZFS fileserver using a bunch of spare drives.
>>>>     I'd like some redundancy and to maximize disk usage, so my plan
>>>>     was to use raid-z. The problem is that the drives are considerably
>>>>     mismatched and I haven't found documentation (though I don't see
>>>>     why it shouldn't be possible) to stripe smaller drives together to
>>>>     match bigger ones. The drives are: 1x750, 2x500, 2x400, 2x320,
>>>>     2x250. Is it possible to accomplish the following with those drives:
> Don't worry about how much space you have, worry about how
> much space you need, over time.  Consider growing your needs
> into the space over time.  For example, if you need 100 GBytes today,
> 400 GBytes in 6 months, and 1 TByte next year, then start with:
>     zpool create mypool mirror 320 320
>     [turn off the remaining disks, no need to burn the power or lifetime]
> in 6 months
>     zpool add mypool mirror 400 400
> next year
>     zpool add mypool mirror 500 500
> US street price for disks runs about $100, but the density increases
> over time, so you could also build in a migration every two years
> or so.
>     zpool replace mypool 320 1500 [do this for each side]
> -- richard
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