
I'm building a new ZFS fileserver for our lab and I'd like to have these 

- take a snapshot of users' home directories every N minutes (N is 5 or 10)
- remove all old snapshots, keep just these:
   - all snapshots made during last H hours (H=24)
   - keep one snapshot per day (e.g. made at 16:00 hrs) for the last D days 
   - keep one snapshot per week for the last W weeks (W=4)
   - keep the last Y "monthly" snapshots (Y=12)

In other words, every user would have "(H * 60/N) + D + W + Y" snapshots in 
their home directories (N=5 => 311 snapshots).

Before re-inventing the wheel, does anyone have any nice shell script to do 
kind of thing (to be executed from cron)?

We have only few users and quite static home directories so this kind of 
snapshot amount should be fine...

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