On 1-Oct-08, at 1:56 AM, Ram Sharma wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Thanks for so many good comments. Perhaps I got even more than what  
> I asked for!
> I am targeting 1 million users for my application.My DB will be on  
> solaris machine.And the reason I am making one table per user is  
> that it will be a simple design as compared to keeping all the data  
> in single table.

You have a green light from ZFS experts, but there is no way you'd  
get that schema past a good DBA. This design will fail you long  
before you get near a million users.


> In that case I need to worry about things like horizontal  
> partitioning which inturn will require higher level of management.
> So for storing 1 million MYISAM tables (MYISAM being a good  
> performer when it comes to not very large data) , I need to save 3  
> million data files in a single folder on disk. This is the way  
> MYISAM saves data.
> I will never need to do an ls on this folder. This folder 
> (~database) will be used just by MYSQL engine to exceute my SQL  
> queries and fetch me results.
> And now that ZFS allows me to do this easily, I believe I can go  
> forward with this design easily.Correct me if I am missing something.
> --
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