dick hoogendijk wrote:
> michael schuster wrote:
>> dick hoogendijk wrote:
>>> After an error I had to press the reset button on my ZFS root filesystem
>>> based sxce.b99
>>> The system did not come up again!
>> please elaborate - what does the system do precisely?
> The system hangs (forever) on the first screen with the SunOS copyright
> message. (Just those three lines of text). Nothing happens after that.
> It stopped booting ;-(

Please add     -kv      to the end of your kernel$ line in
grub, (or the first module$ line for an xVM kernel) and boot
again. Then you'll be able to tell us where the system has
appeared to hang, and we in turn will be able to give you
something approaching assistance.

> Normally I have a few BE's on that disk and some snapshots.
> Right now, I only have -one- BE: rpool/ROOT/snv99
> So I also have just three options in the grub menu (normal boot; xVM; and
> failsafe). The latter works, but I cannot rw-mount rpool/ROOT/snv99 as
> 'root' on /a (/a is a read-only filesystem it says; /rpoolROOT/snv99 is
> supposed to be mounted on .alt.tmp.b-yh.mnt/ on normal booting)

have you tried

mount -F zfs rpool/ROOT/snv_99 /a

What do

zpool status -v rpool
zpool get all rpool


> Can this system be made bootable again (repaired)?

We don't know, there's still not quite enough information.

> If not, how can I get access to the data again?
> What could have happened?

Lots of things. We can't channel ....

James C. McPherson
Senior Kernel Software Engineer, Solaris
Sun Microsystems
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