Hi Ross

Ross wrote:
> Now though I don't think it's network at all.  The end result from that 
> thread is that we can't see any errors in the network setup, and using 
> nicstat and NFS I can show that the server is capable of 50-60MB/s over the 
> gigabit link.  Nicstat also shows clearly that both zfs send / receive and 
> mbuffer are only sending 1/5 of that amount of data over the network.
> I've completely run out of ideas of my own (but I do half expect there's a 
> simple explanation I haven't thought of).  Can anybody think of a reason why 
> both zfs send / receive and mbuffer would be so slow?

Try to separate the two things:

(1) Try /dev/zero -> mbuffer --- network ---> mbuffer > /dev/null

That should give you wirespeed

(2) Try zfs send | mbuffer > /dev/null

That should give you an idea how fast zfs send really is locally.

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