>>>>> "nw" == Nicolas Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>> "mh" == Marion Hakanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    nw> I was replying to Marion's [...]
    nw> ZFS-over-iSCSI could certainly perform better than NFS,

better than what, ZFS-over-'mkfile'-files-on-NFS?  No one was
suggesting that.  Do you mean better than pNFS?  It sounded at first
like you meant iSCSI-over-ZFS should perform better than NFS, but no
one's suggesting that either.

 Gray:    NFS over ZFS over iSCSI over ZFS over disk

 Marion: pNFS                     over ZFS over disk

they are both using the same amount of {,p}NFS.

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