To be honest, I don't think it's that much of a risk:

We get regular power cuts at home (probably 8-10 a year), and I've got a 
solaris box that was originally snv_70, and is now snv_98 that's survived over 
half a dozen without any issues at all.  It wasn't ZFS boot originally, but has 
been upgraded to that now and has coped with another three power cuts since 
then without any problems.

I trust this box enough that I don't even have a keyboard, monitor or mouse 
attached to it.  I just hit the on button once I think the power is stable 
again, and wait for my CIFS and NFS shares to reappear.

I don't even think I'm using mirrored boot volumes on this, I'm using raid-z2 
for the data and it's only half an hours work to re-install if a disk dies.
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