On Fri, 21 Nov 2008, zerk wrote:

> I have OpenSolaris on an Amd64 Asus-A8NE with 2gig of Rams and 4x320 gig sata 
> drives in raidz1.
> With dd, I can write at quasi disk maximum speed of 80meg each for a total of 
> 250meg/s if I have no Xsession at all (only console tty).
> But as soon as I have an Xsession running, the write speed drops to 
> about 120MB/s. Its even worse if I have a VBoxHeadless running with 
> an idle win2k3 inside. It drops to 30 MB/s.

I believe that the OpenSolaris kernel is now extended such that it 
reports file change events to Gnome for files in the user's home 
directory.  When Gnome hears about a change, then it goes and reads 
the file so that searching is fast and there is a nice per-generated 
thumbnail.  This means that there is more than simple memory 
consumption going on.

Try writing into the same pool but outside of your home directory and 
see if the I/O rate improves.  If it does, then go complain on the 
Desktop list.  I already complained in advance on the Desktop list but 
where was little response (as usual) so I have since unsubscribed.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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