> About 99% of the problems reported as "I need ZFS
> fsck" can be summed up
> by two ZFS bugs:
> 1. If a toplevel vdev fails to open, we should be
> able to pull
> information from necessary ditto blocks to open
>  the pool and make
> what progress we can.  Right now, the root vdev
>  code assumes "can't
> open = faulted pool," which results in failure
>  scenarios that are
> perfectly recoverable most of the time.  This needs
>  to be fixed
> so that pool failure is only determined by the
>  ability to read
>   critical metadata (such as the root of the DSL).
> . If an uberblock ends up with an inconsistent view
> of the world (due
> to failure of DKIOCFLUSHWRITECACHE, for example),
>  we should be able
> to go back to previous uberblocks to find a good
>  view of our pool.
>   This is the failure mode described by Jeff.
> [b]These are both bugs in ZFS and will be fixed.  [/b]

I totally agree these covers most of the corruptions we had in past.
Any news about that bugs in recent Nevada release?

Anyone can provide us a detailed procedure to "go back to previous uberblocks 
to find a good view of our pool" as described by Jeff?

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