Tim wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Toby Thain <t...@telegraphics.com.au
> <mailto:t...@telegraphics.com.au>> wrote:
>     On 12-Dec-08, at 3:38 PM, Johan Hartzenberg wrote:
>>     ...
>>     The only bit that I understand about why HW raid "might" be bad
>>     is that if it had access to the disks behind a HW RAID LUN, then
>>     _IF_ zfs were to encounter corrupted data in a read, it will
>>     probably be able to re-construct that data.  This is at the cost
>>     of doing the parity calculations on a general purpose CPU, 
>     Except that it's /not just parity/ - ZFS checksums where RAID-N
>     does not (although I've heard that some RAID systems checksum
>     "somewhere" - not end-to-end of course).
>     Call me a fanboy if you will, but ZFS is different from hw RAID. I
>     am not an "automatic denier" of ZFS bugs or flaws, but I do
>     acknowledge it's more /revolution/ than evolution. It's software.
>     We only need be patient while it matures. :)
>     --Toby
> I'm going to pitch in here as devil's advocate and say this is hardly
> revolution.  99% of what zfs is attempting to do is something NetApp
> and WAFL have been doing for 15 years+. 

The ideas aren't new, but the combination of the ideas is.  NetApp is
still a box at the end of a bit of wire that the OS has to blindly trust.


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