Andewk8 at 11:39 on 11/29 said:

Solaris reports "virtual memory" as the sum of physical memory and page file - 
so this is where your strange vmstat output comes from. Running ZFS stress 
tests on a system with only 768MB of memory is not a good idea since ZFS uses 
large amounts of memory for its cache.

VMstat is now jumping around between 493xxx and 527xxx fee while top is 
reporting a solid, unchanging "509M" "free swap" (Both at 1 second updates).

The explanation would only explain a presentation of "swap memory" using the 
"virtual memory" definition being larger than a "free swap" definition that 
includes only swap.  Here we have had it larger, and now it is smaller!  For 
whatever it is worth, top continues to display a rock solid "509MB" free, never 
changing for "free swap".

Anybody know?
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