Hello Anton,

Thursday, December 11, 2008, 4:17:15 AM, you wrote:

>>It sounds like you have access to a source of information that the 
>>rest of us don't have access to.

ABR> I think if you read the archives of this mailing list, and
ABR> compare it to the discussions on the other Solaris mailing lists
ABR> re UFS, it's a reasonable conclusion.

Well, by following that logic one might deduct that there are much
more ZFS installations than UFS - because people are talking more
about ZFS than UFS these days. But hey, I doubt it is actually true.

ZFS is very active when it comes to development and its development is
happening pretty much in public - that's why you can see much more
problems with ZFS - but I would argue that it is mostly perception if
anything else.

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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