On 29-Jan-09, at 2:17 PM, Ross wrote:

> Yeah, breaking functionality in one of the main reasons people are  
> going to be trying OpenSolaris is just dumb... really, really dumb.
> One thing Linux, Windows, OS/X, etc all get right is that they're  
> pretty easy to use right out of the box.  They're all different,  
> but they all do their own jobs pretty well.  So what do Sun do,  
> make OpenSolaris harder to use...

I've not used OpenSolaris (yet), but I did spend quite a bit of time  
in Solaris 10 after using Linux and OS X for a long time.

Matt's approach does work. Learn the differences, don't resent that  
they're the same, and get comfortable in both.

Given the massive success of GNU based systems (Linux, OS X, *BSD)  
one can hardly fault OpenSolaris for taking this direction (I assume  
this is part of Ian Murdock's brief to make it a more appealing O/S  
option). Maybe Sun needs to make this optional, leaving the  
traditional SYSV flavour for the kneejerk anti-GNU elements (a  
bizarre phenomenon given SunOS' pure open source genesis ...  
Berkeley, Bill Joy, BSD, yadda yadda).


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