* Orvar Korvar (knatte_fnatte_tja...@yahoo.com) wrote:
> Seagate7,
> You are not using ZFS correctly. You have misunderstood how it is
> used. If you dont follow the manual (which you havent) then any
> filesystem will cause problems and corruption, even ZFS or ntfs or
> FAT32, etc. You must use ZFS correctly. Start by reading the manual.
> For ZFS to be able to repair errors, you must use two drives or more.
> This is clearly written in the manual. If you only use one drive then
> ZFS can not repair errors. If you use one drive, then ZFS can only
> detect errors, but not repair errors. This is also clearly written in
> the manual.

Or, you can set copies > 1 on your zfs filesystems.  This at least
protects you in cases of data corruption on a single drive but not if
the entire drive goes belly up.


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