[ re-sending to the list address - stupid thunderbird still doesn't have reply-to-list :-( ]

Robert Milkowski wrote:
Hello Bob,

Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 7:14:46 PM, you wrote:
BF> Until it comes time to back that data up.  It is conceivable for users
BF> to create a "DOS" for the backup system by intentionally creating many
BF> huge files which compress perfectly with ZFS, but not so perfectly for
BF> backup (assuming that backup even supports compression).

c'mon - they can do it anyway even with file system with no built-in
compression as they can use any external program to compress their
data. And if you are really worried about it then do not use
compression in zfs.

But then the compressed file is backed up. Different case entirely.

And don't forget zfs send/recv - sadly they send the uncompressed data,
so they'd also suffer from this.

Not that I think it's worth counting virtual space, mind you - too much
effort for too little benefit, and adding more knobs adds complexity /
bugs / cost. But the potential for problems is real - more so if you
don't rule out malicious users.


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