noz wrote:
I've been playing around with zfs root pool mirroring and came across some 

I have no problems mirroring the root pool if I have both disks attached during 
OpenSolaris installation (installer sees 2 disks).

The problem occurs when I only have one disk attached to the system during 
install.  After OpenSolaris installation completes, I attach the second disk 
and try to create a mirror but I cannot.

Here are the steps I go through:
1) install OpenSolaris onto 16GB disk
2) after successful install, shutdown, and attach second disk (also 16GB)
3) fdisk -B
4) partition

This is a critical step and it is important that you create a SMI
label, not an EFI label.  For the exact steps, please consult the
ZFS Administration Guide which has a section on this very
-- richard

5) zfs attach

Step 5 fails, giving a "disk too small" error.

What I noticed about the second disk is that it has a 9th partition called 
"alternates" that takes up about 15MBs.  This partition doesn't exist in the 
first disk and I believe is what's causing the problem.  I can't figure out how to delete 
this partition and I don't know why it's there.  How do I mirror the root pool if I don't 
have both disks attached during OpenSolaris installation?  I realize I can just use a 
disk larger than 16GBs, but that would be a waste.
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