>>>>> "ave" == Andre van Eyssen <an...@purplecow.org> writes:
>>>>> "et" == Erik Trimble <erik.trim...@sun.com> writes:
>>>>> "ea" == Erik Ableson <eable...@mac.com> writes:
>>>>> "edm" == "Eric D. Mudama" <edmud...@bounceswoosh.org> writes:

   ave> The LSI SAS controllers with SATA ports work nicely with
   ave> SPARC.

I think what you mean is ``some LSI SAS controllers work nicely with
SPARC''.  It would help if you tell exactly which one you're using.

I thought the LSI 1068 do not work with SPARC (mfi driver, x86 only).
I thought the 1078 are supposed to work with SPARC (mega_sas).

   ave> Oh, and if you do grab the LSI card, don't let James catch you
   ave> using the itmpt driver or lsiutils ;-)

What's the itmpt driver?  closed-source sparc driver?  Does it work
with 1068-based cards?


   edm> We bought a Dell T610 as a fileserver, and it comes with an
   edm> LSI 1068E based board (PERC6/i SAS).

carton> pciids.sourceforge.net says this is a 1078 board, not a 1068
carton> board.

   edm> it's called the "Dell SAS6i/R" while they reserve the PERC name
   edm> for the ones with cache.  I had understood that they were
   edm> basically identical except for the cache, but maybe not.

   edm> (driver name: pcie_pci)
   edm> pci1028,1f10, instance #0 (driver name: mpt)

ah, I am guessing not identical.  mpt = 1068.  I found this in pciids:

1000  LSI Logic / Symbios Logic
      0058  SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS
            1028 1f10  SAS 6/iR Integrated RAID Controller

pciids.sourceforge.net doesn't always specify 1068 vs 1078 but in this
case it does.

so, AIUI, this card will not work on SPARC.  but maybe with this other
proprietary driver itmpt it will?

    ea> Just a side note on the PERC labelled cards: they don't have a
    ea> JBOD mode so you _have_ to use hardware RAID. 

This problem is not true of my AOC-USAS-L8i (1068) with the
proprietary mpt driver---it uses unlabeled disks.  so, I bet it's not
true of the dell no-battery-nvram cards either.

so....possibly, the Dell PERC cards with a battery/cache will work in
SPARC.  Has anyone tried?


    et> I have an AOC-SAT2-MV8 in an older Opteron-based system.  It's

    et> Also, it's a 3.3v card (won't work in 5v slots).  None
    et> of this should be a problem in any modern motherboard/case
    et> setup, only in really old stuff.

first, I think that's not true because I have that card working in a
5V 32-bit slot.

second, if you really did have a 3.3V-only card, a modern system would
not make it magically okay.  It would be a serious inconvenience.
Slots are either 5V or 3.3V, not both.  There's such thing as a
dual-voltage card, but there is no such thing as a dual-voltage slot,
and most 32-bit slots are 5V (they have the key farther from the
external-connector face of the card).

I think the reason there cannot be a dual-voltage slot is that the
slot's on a bus shared with other cards, so all cards on the same bus
must agree on the same voltage.

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