> I think it is a great idea, assuming the SSD has good write performance.
> This one claims up to 230MB/s read and 180MB/s write and it's only $196.
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820609393
> Compared to this one (250MB/s read and 170MB/s write) which is $699.
> Are those claims really trustworthy? They sound too good to be true!

MB/s numbers are not a good indication of performance. What you should pay 
attention to are usually random IOPS write and read. They tend to correlate a 
bit, but those numbers on newegg are probably just best case from the 

In the world of consumer grade SSDs, Intel has crushed everyone on IOPS 
performance.. but the other manufacturers are starting to catch up a bit.
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