Ok, I re-tested my rotating rust with these iozone options (note that
-o requests syncronous writes):
iozone -t 6 -k 8 -i 0 -i 2 -O -r 8K -o -s 1G
and obtained these results:
Children see throughput for 6 random writers = 5700.49 ops/sec
Parent sees throughput for 6 random writers = 4698.40 ops/sec
Min throughput per process = 834.67 ops/sec
Max throughput per process = 1120.91 ops/sec
Avg throughput per process = 950.08 ops/sec
Min xfer = 97593.00 ops
I think that any SSD used as a cache should surely be able to do much
better than that.
Of course, it is my understanding that the zfs slog is written
sequentially so perhaps this applies instead:
Children see throughput for 6 initial writers = 7522.42 ops/sec
Parent sees throughput for 6 initial writers = 5645.58 ops/sec
Min throughput per process = 1095.62 ops/sec
Max throughput per process = 1676.02 ops/sec
Avg throughput per process = 1253.74 ops/sec
Min xfer = 85589.00 ops
Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer, http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
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