Yeah - give me a bit to rope together the parts list and double check
it, and I will post it on my blog.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Ware Adams <> wrote:
> On Sep 28, 2009, at 4:20 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
>> I agree - SOHO usage of ZFS is still a scary "will this work?" deal. I
>> found a working setup and I cloned it. It gives me 16x SATA + 2x SATA
>> for mirrored boot, 4GB ECC RAM and a quad core processor - total cost
>> without disks was ~ $1k I believe. Not too shabby. Emphasis was also
>> for acoustics - rack dense would be great but my current living
>> situation doesn't warrant that
> This sounds interesting.  Do you have any info on it (case you started with,
> etc...).
> I'm concerned about noise too as this will be in a closet close to the room
> where our television is.  Currently there is a MacPro in there which isn't
> terribly quiet, but the SuperMicro case is reported to be fairly quiet.
> Thanks,
> Ware
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