On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 12:15 AM, Eric D. Mudama

> On Tue, Oct 27 at 18:58, Bryan Cantrill wrote:
>> Why would we do this?  I'm all for zero-cost endeavors, but this isn't
>> zero-cost -- and I'm having a hard time seeing the business case here,
>> especially when we have so many paying customers for whom the business
>> case for our time and energy is crystal clear...
>>        - Bryan
> I don't have a need for a large 7110 box, my group's file serving
> needs are quite small.  I decided on a Dell T610 running OpenSolaris,
> with half the drives populated now and half to be populated as we get
> close to filling them up.  Pair of mirrored vdevs for performance,
> with an SSD cache.
> I'd have loved to have, instead, the nice fishworks gui interface to
> the whole thing, and if that existed on something like an X2270,
> that's what we would have bought instead of the Dell box.
> Ultimately, I wanted the simplicity of a Drobo, capable of saturating
> a Gig-E port or two, in an easy to maintain and administer system.
> One and a half out of three ain't bad, but Fishworks GUI on a 4-disk
> X2270 would have been a 3 for 3 solution I believe.  We just can't
> afford to spend $8-10k to "try" a 7110 which is likely complete
> overkill for our needs, and we have no expectation of our business
> growing into it within the next two years.
> $2k was our absolute ceiling for a trial purchase, and I knew that if
> my OpenSolaris experiment didn't work out, I could just repurpose the
> Dell box with Debian, EXT3, software RAID and Samba and get a 75-80%
> solution.
> Yes, this may not make business sense for Sun-as-structured, but
> someone will figure out how to scratch that itch because it's real for
> a LOT of small businesses.  They want that low cost entry into a
> business-grade NAS without having to build it themselves, something
> that's a step up from a whitebox 2-disk mirror from some no-name
> vendor who won't exist in 6 months.
> --eric
> PS: Not having enough engineers to support a growing and paying
> customer base is a *good* problem to have.  The opposite is much, much
> worse.

So use Nexenta?

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