
I can agree that the software is the one that really has the added value, but to my opinion allowing a stack like Fishworks to run outside the Sun Unified Storage would lead to lower price per unit(Fishwork license) but maybe increase revenue. Why an increase in revenues? Well, i assume that alot of customers would buy the Fishworks to put into they XYZ high-end server.

I often find alot of customers that say that it's far more easy to convince the Board of Directors to buy software rather than hardware or a "appliance".. Maybe the first step could be the possibility to run Fishworks in any Sun server without the need to buy their Unified Storage server. In this way the support for the software and hardware would come from same vendor, therefore avoiding the "dance" between multiple vendor when it comes to fixing issues.

Anyway, only time/market will say what's the best approach.


Tim Cook wrote:

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 2:35 AM, Bruno Sousa <bso...@epinfante.com <mailto:bso...@epinfante.com>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    I fully understand that within a cost effective point of view,
    developing the fishworks for a reduced set of hardware makes ,
    alot, of sense.
    However, i think that Sun/Oracle would increase their user base if
    they make availabe a Fishwork framework certified only for a
    reduced set of hardware, ie :

        * it needs Western Digital HDD firmware version x.y.z
        * it needs a SAS/SATA controller from a specific brand, model
          and firmare ( LSI SAS1068E )
        * if SSD's are used they need to be from vendor X with firmware Y
        * the system motherboard chipset needs to be from vendor X or
          Y and not from Z

    Within this possible landscape i'm pretty sure that alot more
    customers would pay for the Fishworks stack and support, given the
    fact that not all customers "need" aKa can afford, the Unified
    Storage platform from Sun.

    Anyway..Fishworks it's an awesome product! Congratulations for the
    extreme good job.


You're making a very, very bad assumption that the price of Fishworks would be "cheap" for just the software. Sun hardware does not cost that much more than their competitors when it comes down to it. You should expect the software to make up the difference in price if they were to unbundle it. Heck, I would expect it to be MORE if they're forced into having to deal with third party vendors that are pointing fingers at software problems vs. hardware problems and wasting Sun support engineers valuable time. I think you'd find yourself unpleasantly surprised at the end price tag.


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