On Thu, 29 Oct 2009 casper....@sun.com wrote:

> Do you have the complete NFS trace output?  My reading of the source code
> says that the file will be created with the proper gid so I am actually
> believing that the client "over corrects" the attributes after creating
> the file/directory.

I dug around the OpenSolaris source code and believe I found where this
behavior is coming from.



on line 1643, there's a comment:

"Set default initial values for attributes when not specified in

And if the uid/gid is not explicitly specified in the NFS CREATE operation,
the code calls crgetuid and crgetgid to determine what uid/gid to use for
the mkdir operation. crgetgid is just "return (cr->cr_gid);", which would
result in the behavior we describe -- if there is no group owner explicitly
specified, new subdirectories are always created based on the primary group
of the user, disregarding the presence of any sgid bit on the parent

As far as the client:


On line 6790 the client code explicitly checks whether or not the new
directory is being created inside of a parent directory with a sgid bit
set, and then explicitly includes the group owner if so.

I'm guessing you are probably looking at the actual underlying filesystem
code? That probably does do the right thing if the gid is not specified.
But given the NFS server code, if no gid is specified by the client,
explicitly uses the primary gid, by the time it gets to the underlying file
system the gid is already specified and any filesystem level sgid handling
is bypassed.

I doubt if the resolution to the problem is as simple as not having the NFS
server code explicitly specify a gid if none is given by the client,
allowing the underlying filesystem to "do the right thing", but who knows
:)... I still think that the preferred behavior would be to respect the
sgid bit semantics, and continue to hope I can convince the engineers in
charge of this decision to agree.


Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |  http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  hen...@csupomona.edu
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768
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