On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, Brad wrote:

Can anyone recommend a optimum and redundant striped configuration for a X4500? We'll be using it for a OLTP (Oracle) database and will need best performance. Is it also true that the reads will be load-balanced across the mirrors?

Is this considered a raid 1+0 configuration?

Zfs does not strictly support RAID 1+0. However, your sample command will create a pool based on mirror vdevs which is written to in a load-shared fashion (not striped). This type of pool is ideal for databases since it consumes the least of those precious IOPS. With SATA drives, you need to preserve those precious IOPS as much as possible.

Zfs does not do striping across vdevs, but its load share approach will write based on (roughly) a round-robin basis, but will also prefer a less loaded vdev when under a heavy write load, or will prefer to write to an empty vdev rather than write to an almost full one. Due to zfs behavior, it is best to provision the full number of disks to start with so that the disks are evenly filled and the data is well distributed.

Reads from mirror pairs use a simple load share algorithm to select the mirror side which does not attempt to strictly balance the reads. This does provide more performance than one disk, but not twice the performance.

Is it even possible to do a raid 0+1?


Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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