> zpool create testpool disk1 disk2 disk3

In the traditional sense of RAID, this would create a concatenated data set.
The size of the data set is the size of disk1 + disk2 + disk3.  However,
since this is ZFS, it's not constrained to linearly assigning virtual disk
blocks to physical disk blocks ...  ZFS will happily write a single large
file to all 3 disks simultaneously and just keep track of where all the
blocks landed.

As a result, you get performance which is 3x a single disk for large files
(like striping) but the performance for small files has not been harmed (as
it is in striping)...  As an added bonus, unlike striping, you can still
just add more disks to your zpool, and expand your volume on the fly.  The
filesystem will dynamically adjust to accommodate more space and more
devices, and will intelligently optimize for performance.

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