On January 24, 2010 Frank Cusack wrote:
>That's the point I was arguing against. 
Yes, that's correct.

>You did not respond to my argument, and you don't have to now, 
Thanks for the permission. I'll need that someday.

>but as long as you keep stating this without correcting me I will keep 
As is your perfect right. You have my permission to say anything you like; I do 
like a guy who's persistent. But if you'll re-read what I wrote, I think you 
may have left out my implicit phrase "... for me..." in describing my problem 
and my solution. I would never presume to correct you. Your situation is almost 
certainly different from mine. I do however believe that situations like the 
one we are describing must be described in context, because when we start 
discussing failure rates and economics as well as different objectives, the 
scoring polynomials get complicated fast.

>The size of the drive has nothing to do with letting you put another drive on, 
>more redundancy. 
That is correct. I can obviously buy more drives no matter how big they are. As 
I used to tell girls in bars, I'm not really this tall, I'm just sitting on my 
wallet. It was remarkably effective. 8-)  "Just buy more, bigger drives" is a 
good solution, if the sheer number of bits or lowest cost per bit is what 
you're after.

However, I may not have been clear about my point. More, smaller drives, within 
limits may be better in some circumstances, depending on how you look at the 
problem. I thought that I was clear about the "within 
limits/practicality/reason" approach, in my rambling. If not, let me say it. No 
generality is worth a d..., including this one. There is only fitness for 
context. Do what's practical within your context. And have a good time at it. 
But contexts are rarely as simple as "get more bits" or "get the densest 
drives" when you have multiple objectives.

As I obviously muffed explaining, more and smaller drives, for not too much 
cost penalty (where we all get to define how much smaller and how much more 
cost penalty in our own personal contexts) leads to a lower recover/resilver 
time per failed disk than grabbing the densest, most bit stuffed drives; this 
is because to a first order, the time to get bits onto a new disk is 
proportional to the number of bits. This changes in steps as the interfaces get 
faster, but is likely to not keep up with the sheer number of bits. I know this 
because I read it on the internet and that makes it true, right? 8-) I've got 
that reference here somewhere if it's pertinent.

Obviously, taken to extreme, a zillion one-bit drives is not a cost effective 
solution. We're all here at least partly because a single zettabyte drive has 
some issues as well. I suspect that on this continuum, there is not a single 
answer of X drives of Y size is the best answer for all situations. Maybe there 
are two answers, perhaps even three.

In my own, personal, dim-witted, benighted context of evaluation, for which I 
reserve the right to be wrong, I judged that for me, at this time, in the 
technological context I happen to be in right now, it's better to get a few 
more drives to get more increments of physical failure possibility if that also 
includes more redundancy mechanisms (i.e. raidz3) so that I have a better 
chance of correcting silent bit errors before a second drive failure makes the 
data lost. In that limited, miniscule, probably useless context where the I/O 
rates onto and off the disk are the same for all the drives being considered, I 
judge that cutting the time to re-silver a replacement disk may be more 
desirable than getting the absolute most disks. It's a different viewpoint, 
albeit probably limited and shortsighted as I've stated. But I thought it might 
be helpful to someone else, if only as a starter idea for thinking about disk 
drives on a basis other than bits/dollar. Perhaps the most bits p
 er dollar is, in fact, the best strategy; however, it ought to be checked out 
if there are other ways to looking at it, depending on what you're trying to do.

> smaller drives require LESS redundancy for the same level of availability
Maybe that's the problem. I'm not after availability. Back in the bad old days 
when I sold my soul to a giant corporation every day, we distinguished between 
reliability, availability, and serviceability.  I'm after serviceability. 
Reliability and availability are close, but not the same concepts.

Anyway, thanks for hanging in there and helping me figure it out. I guess I 
just had this simple minded idea that all situations of evaluating how many 
drives of what density might not reduce to only the lowest cost per bit at any 
given time. Silly, right? 8-)

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