> This seems to miss the point.  I presented an argument for why I think the
> qualified drives are a huge profit-center, not just making a reasonable
> profit on the work of qualification.
> In general, I'd much rather pay reasonable costs for each piece, rather
> than weird costs artificially shoved around to make things come out some
> strange way somebody favors.
> Thats easy for you to SAY but the fact of the matter is, in the REAL world
it doesn't hold water.  Almost all types of products have this exact same
model.  It's around because it works.  It's true for cheetos, cars, and hard
drives.  Saying you'd rather pay a "fair price" for things down the line and
actually DOING it are 2 different things.  I think if all companies followed
that mentality you'd see that you'd end up paying more, not less.

> It works great for me personally -- I'm using the software with other
> people's hardware, for free.
> But why should people who need a lot of storage pay proportionally more?
> I don't get that, that's grossly wrong.
> --

They don't HAVE to pay more.  It's about being realistic.  People who buy
sun hardware are doing so for more reasons that "to have a lot of storage"

The cost per gb isn't the only factor that should be thought of.  For raw
storage its certainly cheaper to buy a cheap case, throw in 20-24 1-2tb
consumer grade drives in 2-3 raidz2's and have a reasonable level of fault
tollerance, but that TOTALLY misses the point.  You don't buy a sunfire
x4540 or j45xx just for raw storage.  If you want the cheapest raw storage
possible you can always go build one of those blackblaze storage pods.
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