On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:17 AM, matthew patton <patto...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > charge a premium for their products but they ARE a
> > enterprise vendor.  You
> > wouldn't say something like "hey, where can i buy a Ferrari
> > without any
> > wheels...i'm not paying x amount for a silly aluminum
> > wheel"
> true. but I buy a Ferrari for the engine and bodywork and chassis
> engineering. It is totally criminal what Sun/EMC/Dell/Netapp do charging
> customers 10x the open-market rate for standard drives. A RE3/4 or NS drive
> is the same damn thing no matter if I buy it from ebay or my local
> distributor. Dell/Sun/Netapp buy drives by the container load. Oh sure, I
> don't mind paying an extra couple pennies/GB for all the strenuous efforts
> the vendors spend on firmware verification (HA!).
> I will happily pay a couple grand for the chassis, backplane, power
> supplies, and original engineering. Like my g'papy used to say; don't p*ss
> down my back and tell me it's raining.
Except you think the original engineering is just a couple grand, and that's
where you're wrong.  I hate the prices just as much as the next guy, but
they do in fact need to feed their families.  In fact, they need to do a
hell of a lot more than that, including paying off what is likely bumping up
against a 6-figure education for the engineering degrees they hold to design
that hardware.  If it were easy, everyone would be doing it, and it wouldn't
be expensive.

If you think they're overcharging, you're more than welcome to go into
business, undercut the shit out of them, and still make a ton of money,
since you think they 're charging 10x market value.


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