On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 02:25:51PM -0800, TMB wrote:
> I have a similar question, I put together a cheapo RAID with four 1TB WD 
> Black (7200) SATAs, in a 3TB RAIDZ1, and I added a 64GB OCZ Vertex SSD, with 
> slice 0 (5GB) for ZIL and the rest of the SSD  for cache:
> # zpool status dpool
>   pool: dpool
>  state: ONLINE
>  scrub: none requested
> config:
>         NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>         dpool       ONLINE       0     0     0
>           raidz1    ONLINE       0     0     0
>             c0t0d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
>             c0t0d1  ONLINE       0     0     0
>             c0t0d2  ONLINE       0     0     0
>             c0t0d3  ONLINE       0     0     0
> [b]        logs
>           c0t0d4s0  ONLINE       0     0     0[/b]
> [b]        cache
>           c0t0d4s1  ONLINE       0     0     0[/b]
>         spares
>           c0t0d6    AVAIL   
>           c0t0d7    AVAIL   
>                capacity     operations    bandwidth
> pool         used  avail   read  write   read  write
> ----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
> dpool       72.1G  3.55T    237     12  29.7M   597K
>   raidz1    72.1G  3.55T    237      9  29.7M   469K
>     c0t0d0      -      -    166      3  7.39M   157K
>     c0t0d1      -      -    166      3  7.44M   157K
>     c0t0d2      -      -    166      3  7.39M   157K
>     c0t0d3      -      -    167      3  7.45M   157K
>   c0t0d4s0    20K  4.97G      0      3      0   127K
> cache           -      -      -      -      -      -
>   c0t0d4s1  17.6G  36.4G      3      1   249K   119K
> ----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
> I just don't seem to be getting any bang for the buck I should be.  This was 
> taken while rebuilding an Oracle index, all files stored in this pool.  The 
> WD disks are at 100%, and nothing is coming from the cache.  The cache does 
> have the entire DB cached (17.6G used), but hardly reads anything from it.  I 
> also am not seeing the spike of data flowing into the ZIL either, although 
> iostat show there is just write traffic hitting the SSD:
>                  extended device statistics                      cpu
> device    r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv  svc_t  %w  %b  us sy wt id
> sd0     170.0    0.4 7684.7    0.0  0.0 35.0  205.3   0 100  11  8  0 82
> sd1     168.4    0.4 7680.2    0.0  0.0 34.6  205.1   0 100 
> sd2     172.0    0.4 7761.7    0.0  0.0 35.0  202.9   0 100 
> sd3       0.0      0.0      0.0    0.0  0.0  0.0    0.0   0   0 
> sd4     170.0    0.4 7727.1    0.0  0.0 35.0  205.3   0 100 
> [b]sd5       1.6      2.6  182.4  104.8  0.0  0.5  117.8   0  31 [/b]
> Since this SSD is in a RAID array, and just presents as a regular disk LUN, 
> is there a special incantation required to turn on the Turbo mode?
> Doesnt it seem that all this traffic should be maxing out the SSD? Reads from 
> the cache, and writes to the ZIL? I have a seocnd identical SSD I wanted to 
> add as a mirror, but it seems pointless if there's no zip to be had....

The most likely reason is that this workload has been identified as streaming
by ZFS, which is prefetching from disk instead of the L2ARC (l2arc_nopreftch=1).

It also looks like you've used a 128 Kbyte ZFS record size.  Is Oracle doing
128 Kbyte random I/O?  We usually tune that down before creating the database;
which will use the L2ARC device more efficiently.


Brendan Gregg, Fishworks                       http://blogs.sun.com/brendan
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