On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 5:51 PM, Daniel Carosone <d...@geek.com.au> wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 11:08:52PM -0600, Tracey Bernath wrote:
> > Now, to add the second SSD ZIL/L2ARC for a mirror.
> Just be clear: mirror ZIL by all means, but don't mirror l2arc, just
> add more devices and let them load-balance.   This is especially true
> if you're sharing ssd writes with ZIL, as slices on the same devices.
> Well, the problem I am trying to solve is wouldn't it read 2x faster with
the mirror?  It seems once I can drive the single device to 10 queued
actions, and 100% busy, it would be more useful to have two channels to the
same data. Is ZFS not smart enough to understand that there are two
identical mirror devices in the cache to split requests to? Or, are you
saying that ZFS is smart enough to cache it in two places, although not

If the device itself was full, and items were falling off the L2ARC, then I
could see having two separate cache devices, but since I am only at about
50% utilization of the available capacity, and maxing out the IO, then
mirroring seemed smarter.

Am I missing something here?


> > I may even splurge for one more to get a three way mirror.
> With more devices, questions about selecting different devices
> appropriate for each purpose come into play.
> > Now I need a bigger server....
> See? :)
> --
> Dan.
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