On Feb 16, 2010, at 12:39 PM, Daniel Carosone wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 09:11:02PM -0600, Tracey Bernath wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 5:51 PM, Daniel Carosone <d...@geek.com.au> wrote:
>>> Just be clear: mirror ZIL by all means, but don't mirror l2arc, just
>>> add more devices and let them load-balance.   This is especially true
>>> if you're sharing ssd writes with ZIL, as slices on the same devices.
>>> Well, the problem I am trying to solve is wouldn't it read 2x faster with
>> the mirror?  It seems once I can drive the single device to 10 queued
>> actions, and 100% busy, it would be more useful to have two channels to the
>> same data. Is ZFS not smart enough to understand that there are two
>> identical mirror devices in the cache to split requests to? Or, are you
>> saying that ZFS is smart enough to cache it in two places, although not
>> mirrored?
> First, Bob is right, measurement trumps speculation.  Try it.
> As for speculation, you're thinking only about reads.  I expect
> reading from l2arc devices will be the same as reading from any other
> zfs mirror, and largely the same in both cases above; load balanced
> across either device.  In the rare case of a bad read from unmirrored
> l2arc, data will be fetched from the pool, so mirroring l2arc doesn't
> add any resiliency benefit.
> However, your cache needs to be populated and maintained as well, and
> this needs writes.  Twice as many of them for the mirror as for the
> "stripe". Half of what is written never needs to be read again. These
> writes go to the same ssd devices you're using for ZIL, on commodity
> ssd's which are not well write-optimised, they may be hurting zil
> latency by making the ssd do more writing, stealing from the total
> iops count on the channel, and (as a lesser concern) adding wear
> cycles to the device.  

The L2ARC writes are throttled to be 8MB/sec, except during cold
start where the throttle is 16MB/sec.  This should not be noticeable
on the channels.

> When you're already maxing out the IO, eliminating wasted cycles opens
> your bottleneck, even if only a little. 

 -- richard

> Once you reach steady state, I don't know how much turnover in l2arc
> contents you will have, and therefore how many extra writes we're
> talking about.  It may not be many, but they are unnecessary ones.  
> Normally, we'd talk about measuring a potential benefit, and then
> choosing based on the results.  In this case, if I were you I'd
> eliminate the unnecessary writes, and measure the difference more as a
> matter of curiosity and research, since I was already set up to do so.
> --
> Dan.

ZFS storage and performance consulting at http://www.RichardElling.com
ZFS training on deduplication, NexentaStor, and NAS performance
http://nexenta-atlanta.eventbrite.com (March 15-17, 2010)

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