d...@dd-b.net said:
> I know from startup log messages that I've got several interrupts being
> shared.  I've been wondering how serious this is.  I don't have any
> particular performance problems, but then again my cpu and motherboard are
> from 2006 and I'd like to extend their service life, so using them more
> efficiently isn't a bad idea.  Plus it's all a learning experience :-). 

Mine's from 2004, and I've been going through the same adjustments here.

> While I see the relevance to diagnosing performance problems, for my case, is
> there likely to be anything I can do about interrupt assignments?  Or is this
> something that, if it's a problem, is an unfixable problem (short of changing
> hardware)?  I think there's BIOS stuff to shuffle interrupt assignments some,
> but do changes at that level survive kernel startup, or get overwritten? 

Experience with my motherboard is that even when you switch the BIOS
"Plug-n-Play OS" setting between "No" and "Yes", Solaris-10 doesn't
seem to change where it maps any devices.  Probably a removal of the
/etc/path_to_inst file and reconfiguration reboot would be required,
but even that won't move devices required for booting.

Also, the onboard devices (like your nv_sata, ehci, etc.) are not likely
to move around at all.  Only things that could be moved to different
PCI/PCI-X/PCIe slots are likely to move.  Ran across this note:

I found it pretty time-consuming just mapping the OS's device instance
numbers to the physical devices.  Taking the device instance numbers
from "intrstat" or "echo '::interrupts -d' | mdb -k" and digging through
the output of "prtconf -Dv" and/or boot-up /var/adm/messages stuff was
pretty tedious.

Check out what mine looks like, in particular the case where four devices
share the same interrupt -- the two onboard SATA ports, onboard ethernet,
and one slow-mode USB port (Intel ICH5 chipset).  There doesn't appear to
be a thing you can do about this sharing.  The system's never seemed slow,
though I do try to avoid using that particular USB port.

# echo '::interrupts -d' | mdb -k
IRQ  Vector IPL Bus   Type  CPU Share APIC/INT# Driver Name(s)
1    0x41   5   ISA   Fixed 0   1     0x0/0x1   i8042#0
6    0x43   5   ISA   Fixed 0   1     0x0/0x6   fdc#0
9    0x81   9   PCI   Fixed 0   1     0x0/0x9   acpi_wrapper_isr
12   0x42   5   ISA   Fixed 0   1     0x0/0xc   i8042#0
15   0x44   5   ISA   Fixed 0   1     0x0/0xf   ata#1
16   0x82   9   PCI   Fixed 0   3     0x0/0x10  uhci#3, uhci#0, nvidia#0
17   0x86   9   PCI   Fixed 0   1     0x0/0x11  audio810#0
18   0x85   9   PCI   Fixed 0   4     0x0/0x12  pci-ide#1, e1000g#0, uhci#2,
19   0x84   9   PCI   Fixed 0   1     0x0/0x13  uhci#1
22   0x40   5   PCI   Fixed 0   1     0x0/0x16  pci-ide#2
23   0x83   9   PCI   Fixed 0   1     0x0/0x17  ehci#0
160  0xa0   0         IPI   ALL 0     -         poke_cpu
192  0xc0   13        IPI   ALL 1     -         xc_serv
208  0xd0   14        IPI   ALL 1     -         kcpc_hw_overflow_intr
209  0xd1   14        IPI   ALL 1     -         cbe_fire
210  0xd3   14        IPI   ALL 1     -         cbe_fire
240  0xe0   15        IPI   ALL 1     -         xc_serv
241  0xe1   15        IPI   ALL 1     -         apic_error_intr



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