Daniel Carosone wrote:
For rpool, which has SMI labels and fdisk partitions, you need to
expand the size of those, and then ZFS will notice (with or withhout
autoexpand, depending on version).

I don't believe that is true for VM installations like Vladimir's, though I certainly could be wrong. It would be entirely dependent on how the initial installation was done, as to whether an SMI/fdisk setup was in use.

That all said, with Vladimir on 111b (which is before the autoexpand property was implemented, and the usual 'zpool import/export' isn't trivial on the rpool), and the fact that he's getting a bunch of reported errors on the virtual disk (as reported by zpool status), I would just not bother at this point.

Vladimir - I would say your best option is to simply back up your data from the OpenSolaris VM, and do a fresh re-install using the larger Virtual Disk size. You can then upgrade to the later Dev builds cleanly. If you are having problems with this, let us know, because this should be rather straightforward.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
Mailstop:  usca22-123
Phone:  x17195
Santa Clara, CA

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