On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 08:43:13PM -0500, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> My own stuff is intended to be backed up by a short-cut combination --  
> zfs send/receive to an external drive, which I then rotate off-site (I  
> have three of a suitable size).  However, the only way that actually  
> works so far is to destroy the pool (not just the filesystem) and  
> recreate it from scratch, and then do a full replication stream.  That  
> works most of the time, hangs about 1/5.  Anything else I've tried is  
> much worse, with hangs approaching 100%.
> I've posted here a few times about it; as I say, I'm in waiting for next  
> stable release mode, we'll see how that does, and I'll push much harder  
> for some kind of resolution if I still have trouble then.

My guess, asserted without substantiation, is that this could well be
related to the usb channel and drivers as much as to anything with
zfs.   In any case, if the new release as a package solves the
problem, it doesn't necessarily matter to you which specific
change(s) within made the difference.

If it still shows up in the current dev builds, or the release
shortly, then some process of elimination to narrow down the problem
area would be worthwhile.   In particular, some umass bridge chips are
frankly shite, and you may be unlucky enough to have those between
your host and your backup disks.


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