On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 6:31 AM, Edward Ned Harvey

> > > Nobody knows any way for me to remove my unmirrored
> > > log device.  Nobody knows any way for me to add a mirror to it (until
> >
> > Since snv_125 you can remove log devices. See
> > http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=6574286
> >
> > I've used this all the time during my testing and was able to remove
> > both
> > mirrored and unmirrored log devices without any problems (and without
> > reboot). I'm using snv_134.
> Aware.  Opensolaris can remove log devices.  Solaris cannot.  Yet.  But if
> you want your server in production, you can get a support contract for
> solaris.  Opensolaris cannot.

According to who?


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