
More for my own edification than to help Jason (sorry Jason!) I would like to 
clarify something. If read performance is paramount, am I correct in thinking 
RAIDZ is not the best way to go? Would not the ZFS equivalent of RAID 10 
(striped mirror sets) offer better read performance? In this case, I realize 
that Jason also needs to maximize the space he has in order to store all of 
those legitimately copied Blu-Ray movies. ;-)


On Apr 7, 2010, at 3:09 PM, Jason S wrote:

> Thank you for the replies guys! 
> I was actually already planning to get another 4 gigs of ram for the box 
> right away anyway, but thank you for mentioning it! As there appears to be a 
> couple ways to "skin the cat" here i think i am going to try both a 14 
> spindle RaidZ2 and 2 X 7 RaidZ2 configuration and see what the performance is 
> like. I have a fews days of grace before i need to have this server ready for 
> duty. 
> Something i forgot to note in my original post is the performance numbers i 
> am concerned with are going to be during reads primarily. There could be at 
> any one point 4 media players attempting to stream media from this server. 
> The media players all have 100mb interfaces so as long i can can reliable 
> stream 400mb/s it should be ok (this is assuming all the media players were 
> playing high bitrate Blueray streams at one time). Any writing to this array 
> would happen pretty infrequently and i normally schedule any file transfers 
> for the wee hours of the morning anyway.
> -- 
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