>>>>> "dd" == David Dyer-Bennet <d...@dd-b.net> writes:

    dd> Is it possible to switch to b132 now, for example?

yeah, this is not so bad.  I know of two approaches:

 * genunix.org assembles livecd's of each b<nnn> tag.  You can burn
   one, unplug from the internet, install it.  It is nice to have a
   livecd capable of mounting whatever zpool and zfs version you are
   using.  I'm not sure how they do this, but they do it.

 * see these untested but relatively safe-looking instructions (apolo
   to whoever posted that i didn't write down the credit):

formal IPS docs: 

how to get a specific snv build with ips
Starting from OpenSolaris 2009.06 (snv_111b) active BE.

1) beadm create snv_111b-dev
2) beadm activate snv_111b-dev
3) reboot
4) pkg set-authority -O http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev opensolaris.org
5) pkg install SUNWipkg
6) pkg list 'entire*'
7) beadm create snv_118
8) beadm mount snv_118 /mnt
9) pkg -R /mnt refresh
10) pkg -R /mnt install ent...@0.5.11-0.118
11) bootadm update-archive -R /mnt
12) beadm umount snv_118
13) beadm activate snv_118
14) reboot

Now you have a snv_118 development environment.

also see:
 which currently says about the same thing.

you see the b<nnn> is specified in line 10, ent...@0.5.11-0.<nnn>

There is no ``failsafe'' boot archive with opensolaris like the
ramdisk-based one that was in the now-terminated SXCE, so you should
make a failsafe boot option yourself by cloning a working BE and
leaving that clone alone.  and...make the failsafe clone new enough to
understand your pool version or else it's not very useful. :)

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