On 10 maj 2010, at 20.04, Miles Nordin wrote:

>>>>>> "bh" == Brandon High <bh...@freaks.com> writes:
>    bh> The drive should be on the same USB port because the device
>    bh> path is saved in the zpool.cache. If you removed the
>    bh> zpool.cache, it wouldn't matter where the drive was plugged
>    bh> in.
> I thought it was supposed to go by devid.
> There was a bug a while ago that Solaris won't calculate devid for
> devices that say over SCSI they are ``removeable'' because, in the
> sense that a DynaMO or DVD-R is ``removeable'', the serial number
> returned by various identity commands or mode pages isn't bound to any
> set of stored bits, and the way devid's are used throughout Solaris
> means they are like a namespace or an array-of for a set of bit-stores
> so it's not appropriate for a DVD-R drive to have a devid.  A DVD disc
> could have one, though---in fact a release of a pressed disc could
> appropriately have a non-serialized devid.  However USB stick
> designers used to working with Microsoft don't bother to think through
> how the SCSI architecture should work in a sane world because they are
> used to reading chatty-idiot Microsoft manuals, so they fill out the
> page like a beaurocratic form with whatever feels appropriate and mark
> USB sticks ``removeable'', which according to the standard and to a
> sane implementer is a warning that the virtual SCSI disk attached to
> the virtual SCSI host adapter inside the USB pod might be soldered to
> removeable FLASH chips.  It's quite stupid because before the OS has
> even determined what kind of USB device is plugged in, it already
> knows the device is removeable in that sense, just like it knows
> hot-swap SATA is removeable.  USB is no more removeable, even in
> practical use, than SATA.  (eSATA!  *slap*) Even in the case of CF
> readers, it's probably wrong most of the time to set the removeable
> SCSI flag because the connection that's severable is between the
> virtual SCSI adapter in the ``reader'' and the virtual SCSI disk in
> the CF/SD/... card, while the removeable flag indicates severability
> between SCSI disk and storage medium.  In the CF/SD/... reader case
> the serial number in the IDENTIFY command or mode pages will come from
> CF/SD/... and remain bound to the bits.  The only case that might call
> for setting the bit is where the adapter is synthesizing a fake mode
> page where the removeable bit appears, but even then the bit should be
> clear so long as any serialized fields in other commands and mode
> pages are still serialized somehow (whether synthesized or not).
> Actual removeable in-the-scsi-standard's-sense HARD DISK drives mostly
> don't exist, and real removeable things in the real world attach as
> optical where an understanding of their removeability is embedded in
> the driver: ANYTHING the cd driver attaches will be treated
> removeable.
> consequently the bit is useless to the way solaris is using it, and
> does little more than break USB support in ways like this, but the
> developers refuse to let go of their dreams about what the bit was
> supposed to mean even though a flood of reality has guaranteed at this
> point their dream will never come true.  I think there was some
> magical simon-sez flag they added to /kernel/drv/whatever.conf so the
> bug could be closed, so you might go hunting for that flag in which
> they will surely want you to encode in a baroque case-sensitive
> undocumented notation that ``The Microtraveler model 477217045 serial
> 80502813 attached to driver/hub/hub/port/function has a LYING
> REMOVEABLE FLAG'', but maybe you can somehow set it to '*' and rejoin
> reality.  Still this won't help you on livecd's.  It's probably wiser
> to walk away from USB unless/until there's a serious will to adopt the
> practical mindset needed to support it reasonably.

I'm sorry if I am slow, but I don't get it;
Whys isn't devid calculated for removable devices?
What does the serial number has to do with devid?


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