On Fri, May 21, 2010 10:19, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Fri, 21 May 2010, Miika Vesti wrote:
>> AFAIK OCZ Vertex 2 does not use volatile DRAM cache but non-volatile
>> grid. Whether it respects or ignores the cache flush seems irrelevant.
>> There has been previous discussion about this:
>> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.solaris.opensolaris.zfs/35702
>> "I'm pretty sure that all SandForce-based SSDs don't use DRAM as their
>> cache, but take a hunk of flash to use as scratch space instead. Which
>> means that they'll be OK for ZIL use."
>> So, OCZ Vertex 2 seems to be a good choice for ZIL.
> There seem to be quite a lot of blind assumptions in the above.  The
> only good choice for ZIL is when you know for a certainty and not
> assumptions based on 3rd party articles and blog postings.  Otherwise
> it is like assuming that if you jump through an open window that there
> will be firemen down below to catch you.

Just how DOES one know something for a certainty, anyway?  I've seen LOTS
of people mess up performance testing in ways that gave them very wrong
answers; relying solely on your own testing is as foolish as relying on a
couple of random blog posts.

To be comfortable (I don't ask for "know for a certainty"; I'm not sure
that exists outside of "faith"), I want a claim by the manufacturer and
multiple outside tests in "significant" journals -- which could be the
blog of somebody I trusted, as well as actual magazines and such. 
Ideally, certainly if it's important, I'd then verify the tests myself.

There aren't enough hours in the day, so I often get by with less.

David Dyer-Bennet, d...@dd-b.net; http://dd-b.net/
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