On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 4:29 PM, BJ Quinn <bjqu...@seidal.com> wrote:
> Ugh, yeah, I've learned by now that you always want at least that one 
> snapshot in common to keep the continuity in the dataset.  Wouldn't I be able 
> to recreate effectively the same thing by rsync'ing over each snapshot one by 
> one?  It may take a while, and I'd have to use the --inplace and 
> --no-whole-file switches to ensure that I didn't overwrite anything except 
> changed blocks when bringing over each snapshot (avoiding marking all blocks 
> as changed and wasting all sorts of space), but shouldn't that work at least? 
>  I'd hate to have to resort to the two data sets thing.

You could do that, but the snapshot's creation property is going to be
wrong for any snaps that you create that way. Some file properties
(such as atime, mtime, and ctime) won't be preserved by the rsync

If it's important to keep an exact copy of the snapshots, you'll have
to receive from each of your old hosts into different datasets, one
for each source host. If disk space is a concern, you could enable
dedup, which should do well between the last snap of the old server
and the first snap of the current server.


Brandon High : bh...@freaks.com
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