> would be nice if i could pipe the zfs send stream to
> a split and then
> send of those splitted stream over the
> network to a remote system. it would help sending it
> over to remote
> system quicker. can your tool do that?
> something like this
>                            s | -----> | j
> -----> | o   zfs recv
>            (local)       l  | -----> | i    (remote)
>                 t  | -----> | n
>  copy from the fifos to tape(s).

> Asif Iqbal

I did look at doing this, with the intention of allowing simultaneous streams 
to multiple tape drives, but put the idea to one side.   

I thought of providing interleaved streams, but wasn't happy with the idea that 
the whole process would block when one of the pipes stalled.    

I also contemplated dividing the stream into several large chunks, but for them 
to run simultaneously that seemed to require several reads of the original dump 
stream.  Besides the expense of this approach,  I am not certain that repeated 
zfs send streams have exactly the same byte content.

I think that probably the best approach would be the interleaved streams.

That said, I am not sure how this would necessarily help with the situation you 
describe.  Isn't the limiting factor going to be the network bandwidth between 
remote machines?  Won't you end up with four streams running at quarter speed?
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