On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 8:17 AM, Tristram Scott
<tristram.sc...@quantmodels.co.uk> wrote:
>> would be nice if i could pipe the zfs send stream to
>> a split and then
>> send of those splitted stream over the
>> network to a remote system. it would help sending it
>> over to remote
>> system quicker. can your tool do that?
>> something like this
>>                            s | -----> | j
>> -----> | o   zfs recv
>>            (local)       l  | -----> | i    (remote)
>>                 t  | -----> | n
>>  copy from the fifos to tape(s).
>> Asif Iqbal
> I did look at doing this, with the intention of allowing simultaneous streams 
> to multiple tape drives, but put the idea to one side.
> I thought of providing interleaved streams, but wasn't happy with the idea 
> that the whole process would block when one of the pipes stalled.
> I also contemplated dividing the stream into several large chunks, but for 
> them to run simultaneously that seemed to require several reads of the 
> original dump stream.  Besides the expense of this approach,  I am not 
> certain that repeated zfs send streams have exactly the same byte content.
> I think that probably the best approach would be the interleaved streams.
> That said, I am not sure how this would necessarily help with the situation 
> you describe.  Isn't the limiting factor going to be the network bandwidth 
> between remote machines?  Won't you end up with four streams running at 
> quarter speed?

if, for example, the network pipe is bigger then one unsplitted stream
of zfs send | zfs recv then splitting it to multiple streams should
optimize the network bandwidth, shouldn't it ?

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Asif Iqbal
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