On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Edward Ned Harvey
<solar...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
>> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
>> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Asif Iqbal
>> would be nice if i could pipe the zfs send stream to a split and then
>> send of those splitted stream over the
>> network to a remote system. it would help sending it over to remote
>> system quicker. can your tool do that?
> Does that make sense?  I assume the network is the bottleneck; the only way
> the multiple streams would go any faster than a single stream would be
> because you're multithreading and hogging all the bandwidth for yourself,
> instead of sharing fairly with the httpd or whatever other server is trying
> to use the bandwidth.

currently to speed up the zfs send| zfs recv I am using mbuffer. It
moves the data
lot faster than using netcat (or ssh) as the transport method

that is why I thought may be transport it like axel does better than wget.
axel let you create multiple pipes, so you get the data multiple times faster
than with wget.

> If you're talking about streaming to a bunch of separate tape drives (or
> whatever) on a bunch of separate systems because the recipient storage is
> the bottleneck instead of the network ... then "split" probably isn't the
> most useful way to distribute those streams.  Because "split" is serial.
> You would really want to "stripe" your data to all those various
> destinations, so they could all be writing simultaneously.  But this seems
> like a very specialized scenario, that I think is probably very unusual.

Asif Iqbal
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