On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Joerg Schilling
<joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de> wrote:
> Giovanni Tirloni <gtirl...@sysdroid.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Miles Nordin <car...@ivy.net> wrote:
>> > IMHO it's important we don't get stuck running Nexenta in the same
>> > spot we're now stuck with OpenSolaris: with a bunch of CDDL-protected
>> > source that few people know how to use in practice because the build
>> > procedure is magical and secret.  This is why GPL demands you release
>> > ``all build scripts''!
>> I don't know if the GPL demands that but I think we've all learned a
>> lesson from Oracle/Sun regarding that.
> The missing requirement to provide build scripts is a drawback of the CDDL.
> ...But believe me that the GPL would not help you here, as the GPL cannot
> force the original author (in this case Sun/Oracle or whoever) to supply the
> scripts in question.

 I don't have any doubts that the GPL (or any other license) would not
prevent the current situation.

 It's more of a strategic/business decision.

>> I hope that if we want to be able to move OpenSolaris to the next
>> level, we can this time avoid falling into the same mouse trap.
> This is a community issue.
> Do we have people that are willing to help?

Yep! Just need a little guidance in the beginning :)

Giovanni Tirloni
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